{Issue 9} The Thinking Hand

The Thinking Hand is the title of a book by Finnish Architect Juhani Pallasmaa. It’s a book I was once forced to read, that I now force my students to read, but really the title says it all. Our hands have a mind of their own, disconnected from our brain. Don’t think about it too much.

Ask any Architect (or creative for that matter) and they’ll tell you, there is something our hands can do that computers cannot. They have memory, spirit, and wisdom. They have direction, guidance and flow. Computer thinking only seems to get in the way of hand thinking. It’s a strange phenomenon but a beautiful one. 

No, I did not graduate architecture school before computers. I’m not that old, ya’ll. I know how to use Revit, BIM, and Cad, but still my hands are my greatest tool. For this reason, every design I touch is printed, overlaid with trace and given to Hand 1 and Hand 2 for production. Add some music and we’re off to the races. It’s a good time.

Is your Architect incorporating sketches in their design work? If not, your space is likely missing its full potential. Book a discovery call with me to learn more.

As Always…

Your Architect,


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